Thursday, August 27, 2020

Back to School Speech by Obama Essay

This exposition is about President Barack Obama’s discourse â€Å" Back to class â€Å" which he held September eighth 2009 at the Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. The general message in the discourse is whether youngsters are taking school genuine and comprehend the significance of difficult work. For themselves as well as for the eventual fate of the nation. â€Å"Hello everybody †how’s everyone doing today? I’m here with understudies at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia.† I realize that for a significant number of you, today is the main day of school. What's more, for those of you in kindergarten, or beginning center or secondary school, it’s your first day in another school, so it’s reasonable if you’re a little nervous.† Obama is beginning by tending to his crowd like a dad figure, attempting to arrive at all real factors in the crowd by referencing all the evaluations. He is making himself genuine to the crowd, introducing himself as a person who is sensible. â€Å"Some of you are likely wanting to be despite everything summer, and you could’ve remained in bed only a little longer this morning† And as of now in line 10 â€Å"I realize that feeling†. He is alluding to his own life. He is disclosing how he needed to get up 4.30 each morning to concentrate with his mother, and how he wasn’t too glad getting up that early. Here he is making himself genuine to the crowd, clarifying something from his youth that they will comprehend. So here he is utilizing sentiment speaking to the emotions. From line 20, it’s like he is changing from being the companion of the crowd to his job as the leader of the United States again.â€Å" But I’m here today since I have something critical to examine with you.† From line 25, 30 and 35 he is uncovering the pith of his discourse. His message is that it is ones own dedication and difficult work that will cause one to prevail throughout everyday life. â€Å"You can have the most devoted educators and steady guardians, however except if you separately assumes liability nothing of this is very helpful.† In line 40 and 50 he is all the more well disposed againâ€Å" Every single one of you has something you’re great at. Each and every one of you has something to offer. † He is spurring the crowd by saying that each individual has something that they’re great at, that everybody has a significant job In the American culture. Obama is additionally truly adept at referencing things numerous individuals can identify with in his discourse. â€Å"Maybe even sufficient to concoct the following iPhone. â€Å" Here he is referencing the iphone that most kids can identify with. From line 50 to 75 he speaks increasingly about ethics once more. He is truly discussing how everybody needs to have instruction to find a new line of work, and how it takes difficult work. Increasingly significant in Obama’s discourse is that your instruction chooses ones own future, however ones country’s future. Obama is great to shift back and forth between being critical and understanding through the discourse, for instance in the line â€Å" Every single one of you has something you’re great at. Each and every one of you has something to offer.† He is understanding and urging to the individuals, before he with this sentences; â€Å" If you don’t do that †in the event that you quit on school †you’re not simply stopping on yourself, you’re stopping on your nation. Is as a rule exceptionally critical. From line 75 to 85 Obama is again being all the more understanding. Obama clarifies his own challenges from his own adolescence, and that he comprehends school isn’t in every case simple. Obama clarifies how his dad left the family when he was 2 years of age, and that he was raised by a single parent absent a lot of cash. â€Å"There were times when I missed having a dad in my life. There were times when I was forlorn and felt like I didn’t fit in.† Obama then discussions about how he through difficult work was blessed to head off to college and follow his fantasy, to endeavor graduate school. In this piece of the discourse Obama is utilizing ethos. He is attempting to be reliable. From line 95 Obama again set himself up as the nation father. He clarifies that there is no reason for having a terrible mentality and furthermore no reason for not making a decent attempt and giving your best towards training. From line 100â€Å" Where you are correct now doesn’t need to figure out where you’ll end up. No one’s composed your fate for you.† Obama is alluding to the American dream. Referencing individual flexibility and duty regarding ones own fate. He clarifies that with difficult work you can achieve all that you need, regardless of foundation or social status. From the line 105 †110 †115 Obama is focusing on his announcement by giving some solid models about how genuine individuals with a wide range of challenges, endured difficult work and assurance. This is a case of logos, since he is giving solid models that are strong to the message of the discourse. From line 170 he is again alluding to the American dream. â€Å"The story of America isn’t about individuals who quit when things got intense. It’s about individuals who continued onward, who invested more energy, who cherished their nation a lot to do anything short of their best. â€Å" Toward the finish of the discourse from line 175 to 185 Obama is discussing America as a culture making due through numerous decades.â€Å" It’s the tale of understudies who sat where you sit 250 years back, and proceeded to wage an upheaval and discovered this country â€Å" Obama ask the crowds what they will do to pass on the American culture, and what individuals in around 50 years will recall from this time. Thus he squeezes the children, wanting to get them to comprehend their obligation to make sure about the American dream and culture later on.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hobsons Choice Assignment Essay Example for Free

Hobsons Choice Assignment Essay This article will discuss Willies ventures from being a shoe producer to turning into the proprietor of a shop. Willie is a significant character despite the fact that he is one of the main average workers characters in the play. (Different, his companion who likewise works in the shop.) The play concentrated on the key figure Willie ascending the social stepping stool. Likewise his tension towards different characters. On his way up he even figures out how to affront his old ace. He increases a dad in-law and two sister-parents in law. His former sweetheart Ada Figgins however he was not a lot to take a gander at but rather Maggie still needed to wed him. Mrs. Hepworth thinks Willie the boot creator is acceptable at his exchange. Hobson can't help contradicting her praising him. As Mrs. Hepworth says Did you make these boots. At that point Hobson comments If there is anything incorrectly Im fit for causing the man to languish over it. This shows Hobson thinks inadequately about his staff, likewise Mrs. Hepworth figures People ought to be adulated for working superbly. Be that as it may, Hobson gets envious of Willie along these lines. Hobson doesnt pay his little girls waages yet he pays Willies. Jim says and their wages? At that point Hobson says Wages! do you think I pay my own little girls compensation? Im not a numb-skull! This is stating that Will perhaps progressively imperative to him or that his girls are identified with him so they can work in vain. Be that as it may, later on in the play Hobson offers to give Hobson his old compensation back yet he doesnt offer Maggie anything. This shows by Ada saying Heres your supper Will, that Will is viewed as progressively significant as it's been said Oh, Miss obson its great of you to pay heed that way, which shows that she cannot make statements appropriately. He had likewise picked up significance at that point to have individuals battling about him. Alice can't help contradicting Maggie claiming a shop. She additionally ponders where they got the financing. Maggie produces a card saying Willie Mossop, useful book and shoe This shows the he is proficient and legitimate. This shows they have gone from working in a shop to claiming one. Maggie needs Hobson to wear a neckline for work. This shows Hobson is underneath Willie in the social stepping stool. Maggie says Father dont you think to put a neckline on for Will. Hobson Put a neckline on for Willie Mossop (incensed at thought) Maggie figures out how to talk him round yet he despite everything comes up with a rationalization. Im going to put a neckline on, but since my necks cold. She has figured out how to make Hobson put a neckline on, but since Hobson is extremely pleased he says the neckline is for something else. Throughout the show, Willie gains significance and in the long run purchases his own shop, with the assistance Maggie. Willie develops from being a poor working man to an expert shoe creator who wins a great deal of cash, he picks up certainty and close to the end Hobson is sub-par compared to Willie.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Student Loan Protection Legislation Dies in Virginia House - OppLoans

Student Loan Protection Legislation Dies in Virginia House - OppLoans Student Loan Protection Legislation Dies in Virginia House Student Loan Protection Legislation Dies in Virginia HouseInside Subprime: Feb 20, 2019By Lindsay FrankelA bill that would require Virginia student loan servicers to be licensed was killed in the House Commerce and Labor Committee with a 10-9 vote. Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax, introduced Senate Bill 1112 in an attempt to regulate student loan servicing companies and clarify their role in coordinating repayment. The legislation would have required these companies to be licensed by the State Corporation Commission. Recently, state attorneys general in several states have brought lawsuits against one of the largest student loan servicers, one of the largest student loan servicers, following a previous lawsuit brought by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. These suits were brought over allegations that the company incorrectly stalled student loans in temporary forbearance instead of assisting borrowers with repayment plans. Attorneys general argue that borrowers may have ended up in a worse situation because of the student loan servicers actions. The CFPB also received more than 4,000 complaints about the student loan servicer, with issues ranging from customer service complaints to disagreements about the fees the servicer charged. Student loans are issued by the federal government, while servicers are responsible for ensuring they get repaid. The bill clarified the role of these companies, barring them from misquoting the amount of debt or misapplying payments, among other protections. Similar standards are in place for other loan servicers, such as mortgage lenders. And six states and the Washington D.C. have passed similar legislation to protect borrowers, according to U.S. News World Report.Banks and credit unions would have been exempt from the legislation, which would instead focus on the major servicers accounting for most of borrowers’ complaints to the CFPB last year regarding student loans. Gov. Ralph Northman’s administration supported the b ill, and other advocates called it a step in the right direction. Seth Frotman, executive director of the Student Borrower Protection Center, said that more than 1,800 student loan borrowers in Virginia have filed complaints about how their repayments were handled by servicers. And while he admitted that “There is no silver bullet to solve the student debt crisis,” he supported the bill and the protections it carried. That crisis is getting worse for Virginia borrowers; earlier this year, an analysis by the Student Borrower Protection Center (SBPC), Virginia Poverty Law Center (VPLC), Virginia21, and Progress Virginia found that student debt has increased by 175 percent over the past 10 years, and that now 1-in-6, or more than 1 million Virginians, have student loan debt totalling more than $39 billion.As Governor Northam said in his State of the Commonwealth address, “[i]t is high time we began regulating the companies that service our student loans. While people may not be a ble to avoid taking on debt to get an education, they should be able to count on basic consumer protections.”The bill received opposition from Scott Buchanan, the executive director of the Student Loan Servicing Alliance, who stated, “Servicers are trying to do the right thing by borrowers.” Had the bill passed, it would have gone into effect in July of 2020. For more information on  payday loans, scams, and  cash advances  and  check out our city and state financial guides  including Virginia,  Lynchburg,  Newport News,  Norfolk,  Richmond,  Roanoke  and Virginia BeachVisit  OppLoans  on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay about Hipaa Impact the Delivery of Human Services

HIPAA: Impact the Delivery of Human Services July 12, 2008 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed on 21st August 1996 by the U.S President Bill Clinton. Most healthcare insurance companies and providers are to remain to the HIPAA regulation guidelines by October 2002 and October 2003 for smaller health plans. If you are in the healthcare industry, you have probably heard some rumblings about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, calmly referred to as HIPAA. The word is your medical practice will have to be HIPAA compliant by April 2003, but you are not exactly sure what this act mandates or how to accomplish it. In very basic terms, HIPAA has two primary components†¦show more content†¦The purpose or rationale of HIPAA law is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health insurance system and to protect privacy of the patients. Continuity of healthcare coverage is ensured by this law, which allows individuals to qualify immediately for comparable hea lth insurance coverage at the time of changing the employment relationships. By replacing several non-standard formats that are currently used in the country (U.S) by means of a single set of electronic standards (used throughout the healthcare industry), HIPAA reduces the cost and administrative burdens of health care. The law improves the profitability and continuity of health insurance coverage. HIPAA prohibits discrimination against employees on the basis of their health status (What is HIPAA? 2008). Key privacy provisions establish that patients must be able to access their records and correct errors, in addition to being informed of how their personal information will be used. Patient information can only be shared to treat the patient and cannot be used for marketing purposes without their explicit consent. Patients can ask their health insurers and providers to take reasonable steps to ensure that their communications with the patient are confidential, and file formal privac y-related complaints to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for CivilShow MoreRelatedThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1609 Words   |  7 Pagesbelieved as a secure room. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA, was passed on August 21, 1996. Although the law was passed in 1996 it did not become effective until April 14, 2003. This was due to the fact that â€Å"Given that Congress did not act to produce these within the timeframe specified by the law the secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services was empowered to do so.†7 The original plan was to get the healthcare industry to start using computersRead MoreExamples Of Policy Position Paper1571 Words   |  7 Pagesconveyance of medical care services. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) alongside the security law have affected preventive care services and how it is conveyed. HIPAA was intended to guarantee that the suitable systems were actualized to protect patients data while getting care. The benchmarks for the security of a persons ensured medical data is secured under the HIPAA Act. The (OCR) is in charge of executing and upholding the HIPAA protection direction. SinceRead MoreHIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You1436 Words   |  6 PagesHIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You Introduction How would you like to keep track of your personal health information record in your computer at home? The electronic data exchange was one of the goals of the government to improve the delivery and competence of the U.S. healthcare system. To achieve this plan, the U.S. Congress passed a regulation that will direct its implementation. 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On the other hand, use ofRead MoreA Short Note On International Classification Of Diseases Essay1009 Words   |  5 PagesICD-9-CM code set no longer fits with the needs of the 21st-century health care system. Consequently, reliance on outdated and imprecise ICD-9-CM information adversely impacts the value of healthcare data collection. Currently, ICD-9-CM code sets do not meet the necessary requirements to track, identify, and analyze new clinical services and treatments available for patients. In the ICD-10-CM system, medical conditions are grouped together, and the categories are alphanumeric; there are moreRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr )1685 Words   |  7 PagesIt is the hassle factor and the often prohibitive cost of hiring staff to enter the data and to comply with new rules and regulations(Reece, 2011). Facilities would have to hire IT people if the system goes down.If this system goes down that would impact the whole office. Electronic medical records will cost large amounts of money to buy and maintain. Second is the disruption of the doctor-patient relationship. You cannot read a computers body language or look it in the eye. You cannot empathizeRead MoreAnalyzing The Past, Present And Future Of The Congressional Attempt At The Health Care Reform1704 Words   |  7 Pagesaccountability for the privacy and security of health information shared between patients and medical professionals to meet the needs of 1996. Later passed as the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act, also known as HIPPA. Throughout the years The HIPAA Law we know and vigorously rely on today, some of us without knowledge of the law at all. Without these steps taken over the last 15 years, leading up to the current status of regulations, Americans could have jeopardized a lot of personal informationRead MoreThe Effects Of Health Care On Healthcare1497 Words   |  6 Pagestechnology, advances in medicine and health care economics are contributing factors to its rapid progression. We also need to rem ember that health care has become a booming business and patients have shifted into consumers changing the health care delivery models in a variety of ways for the future. Past There are a lot of ways that health care has changed in so many ways that have shaped and also contributed to its change. In the past, outside of health care society was dealing with

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Most Damaging Idol of the Tribe Essay - 627 Words

Idols of the tribe do the most damage to man’s outlook of the world: man tends to make decision’s based on his emotions rather than logic, man clings to his first impressions, and man often twists facts to support those impressions. Idols of the tribe do the most damage to man’s outlook of the world because man tends to make decision’s based on his emotions rather than logic. Man tends to do things without thinking of the consequences. For example, one kill’s his or her mother because of they were angry of how they treated them as a child. That person didn’t think of the consequences before they killed their mother or father and now they are facing life in prison. Also, man tends to do things in the heat of the moment. For example, one†¦show more content†¦But they want this so bad and they don’t care what everyone else says. So they get it anyway, and later they will regret it. Another thing that damages man’s outlook on life, man clings to his first impressions. For example, when one meets somebody new their first impression is very important to them because that’s how man forms his or her opinion of someone. Also, man believes what he or she wants to believe. For example, if one hears or see’s something he or she likes then that’s what he or she will tend to believe. Also, man hangs on to his or her opinions. When man gains an opinion about someone or something it’s hard to change his or her mind about the issue. For instance, when one meet’s someone for the first time that first impression of them is very crucial because that’s what one bases his or her opinion’s about them on, so once one has gained an opinion about something it is very hard for one to change his or her mind about it. Lastly, idols of the tribe does the most damage to man’s outlook on the world by man often twist’s facts to support those impressions. Man tends t o look for evidence to support his or her conclusions. For example, one looks for things to prove his their beliefs. Also, man has a sense that fools them, they see what they want to see. For example, when one goes to buy a new car, they see this car asShow MoreRelatedThe Chicago Blackhawks, Washington Redskins, Cleveland1379 Words   |  6 PagesThe Chicago Blackhawks, Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Chiefs, and Atlanta Braves are all professional sport teams in America that use Native American culture to represent them through the means of tribe names, logos, and mascots. These teams have received a lot of media attention around the debate on if the representation of Native Americans is offensive or not. Controversy surrounding Native American mascots first came into the public eye during the 1960s Native American CivilRead MoreThe Reality Of Reality Television2912 Words   |  12 Pagesshows, self improvement shows, social experiment shows, supernatural and paranormal shows and talk shows. 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A missionary should be accepting of diversity in the future church by using an anthropological perspectiveRead MoreMan vs. Nature in Princess Mononoke Essay3249 Words   |  13 Pagesguns and early modern day weaponry. Also, they have shipments all over different places. As Ashitaka goes finding this Iron town, as information he recollects from the monk, he finds out that this town is currently at a war with the animal tribes. The animal tribes are led by Moro of the wolf clan and San or Princess Mononoke. Princess Mononoke is a human-wolf girl who has been left alone after her parents are battling against the animals . Instead of getting killed or eaten by the wolves, Moro choosesRead MoreReligious Violence in Nigeria6487 Words   |  26 PagesReligions and the Unity of the Nigerian Nation, Almqvist and Wisksell International, Uppsala, 1995 p. 21-22. Also see National Concord Newspaper of 27th Otober 1982. though that of Muslims was higher. 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The development of technology has enabled a constant flow of information and ideas acrossRead MoreSda Manual Essay101191 Words   |  405 Pagesout of their churches because they had accepted the Advent doctrine, the Movement’s pioneers walked uncertainly at first. They were sure of the doctrines they held, but unsure as to the form of organization, if any, that they should adopt. Indeed, most of them so sharply remembered how strong, well-organized church bodies had used that strength to oppose the Advent truth, that they instinctively feared any centralized order and government. Nevertheless, certain pioneer leaders saw with increasingRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesand U.S. superpowers on their periphery and a second round of even more devastating global conflict. The bifurcated international system that resulted from the cold war standoff extended the retreat of globalization, but nurtured the liberation of most of humanity from colonial rule. The collapse of the Soviet empire, and the freeing of its satellite states across Eastern Europe beginning in the late 1980s, marked another major watershed that further problematizes uncritical acceptance of the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lord of the Flies - 2048 Words

Civilization vs. Savagery What do symbols illustrate in novels? In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, symbols are illustrated through people, objects, and colors. In this novel, a group of children are faced with the difficulty of living isolated from society after their plane crashes on a deserted island. With no formal civilization, parents, or rules, the kids have the freedom to do as they choose. Throughout the novel, the boys find and use objects on the island that symbolize something of different importance. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses different objects to symbolize the difference between civilization and savagery. One of the first symbols presented in the Lord of the Flies is the conch shell. After the boys’†¦show more content†¦These masks, which are used by Jacks followers called ‘the hunters,’ are made of clay paint. The evilness of the boys is clearly shown when they wear the masks. It is almost as if an infectious disea se is spread upon them; they lose all sense of civilization. After Jack paints the mask on his face for the first time, it is clear what it does to him. â€Å"He began to dance and his laughter became a blood thirsty snarling. â€Å"He capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing of its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.† (Golding 64). This not only shows the cruelty of the mask, but it also shows how it opens Jack into the world of being a savage. Also, Golding mentions the colors of Jack’s first mask as being Red, White, and Black. These colors symbolize â€Å"violence, terror, and evil.† (Golding). The darkest and most violent symbol on the island is the rock. Roger, one of the savage boys, uses the rock to kill Piggy. Comparable to the mask, the rock is red representing violence. â€Å"High overhead, Roger with a sense of delirium abandonment, leaned all of his weight on the lever.† (Golding 180). This describes the scene when Roger, standing on a cliff, pushes the rock down on Piggy. The scene in the story when Roger kills Piggy represents more than just the death of one of the protagonists. Not only does the rock smash Piggy, but it also shatters the conch. The conch and PiggyShow MoreRelatedThe Lord Of The Flies1262 Words   |  6 Pages2015 Lord of the Flies Research Paper Evils are what drive all of the negative things in society. Characteristics of evil are all around us in our everyday lives. political leaders, celebrities, People we idolize show characteristics of evil. Even small insignificant roles in society hold certain evils in their motives. Throughout this story these evils were for once boldly stated for all to understand. The games the boys play,the fire they set, and their rescue, in the Lord of the flies showsRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1468 Words   |  6 PagesThe Lord of the Flies tells the story of a group of English schoolboys marooned on a tropical island after their plane is shot down during a war. Though the novel is fictional, its exploration of the idea of human evil is at least partly based on Golding’s experience with the real-life violence and brutality of World War II. Free from the rules and structures of civilization and society, the boys on the island in Lord of the Flies descend into savagery. Golding’ s experience in World War II had aRead More Lord of the Flies1827 Words   |  8 Pageswhich desire to follow through with. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and John Polson’s Hide and Seek are two prime examples that demonstrate the conflict between civilised behaviour and savagery through their characters’ cultured manners, savage impulses and struggles as they decide who they really are as people. The instinct to follow rules and act in a civilised manner is highlighted throughout the first four chapters of Lord of the Flies, but is especially perceptible in the boys’ behaviourRead MoreLord of the Flies1669 Words   |  7 PagesLord Of The Flies Summary [pic] |Lord Of The Flies Summary - The Island | |Lord of the Flies is set during World War 2 on a tropical island in the Coral Sea. A group of boys survive a plane crash and are| |left stranded on a deserted island with no adults. At first the boys cling to the principles and laws they were taught during | |their upbringing. They call a meeting where they establish rules,Read MoreLord of the Flies642 Words   |  3 PagesThe book Lord of the Flies shows us how humans act when there is a weakly constructed system of power. We see how a group of civilized young men change into a bunch of crazy animalistic beasts over a very short period of time when there is no one who is â€Å"above† them to order them around and set rules. In The Hunger Games we see a society of people grouped into districts who follow the strict rules of the capital. If you question the capital or disobey one rule or show any sign of treasonRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1262 Words   |  6 Pages2015 Lord of the Flies Research Paper Evils are what drive all of the negative things in society. Characteristics of evil are all around us in our everyday lives. political leaders, celebrities, People we idolize show characteristics of evil. Even small insignificant roles in society hold certain evils in their motives. Throughout this story these evils were for once boldly stated for all to understand. The games the boys play,the fire they set, and their rescue, in the Lord of the flies showsRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1385 Words   |  6 PagesLord of the Flies In a life or death situation, desperate people resort to drastic measures. Some people were taught how to survive in brutal situations while others were never taught how to hunt if they were lost in the forest. In this life it’s either we know how to survive in a life or death situation or we learn as we go and do everything possible to stay alive. It is normal for people to experience immoral behavior due to the environment they are in and there is not much that can be done. IRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1111 Words   |  5 PagesThe Lord of the Flies Research Project While the World War II was in act, Adolf Hitler once incited â€Å"You only have to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down†(Adolf Hitler). The structure coming down symbolizes the fact that the boys’ structure of order, and civilization came crashing down as well. This is found throughout the book. Adolf Hitler is known for his dictatorship, his exquisite leadership skills, and violent warfares.. He uncovered that leadership skillsRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies2105 Words   |  9 PagesBefore starting The Lord of the Flies, a lone question that summed up the entire book was proposed: Are humans good or evil? Though it may not seem like a puzzling question at first, everything inside, and outside of the book makes it more complicated. If we are evil, then everyone would be turned against everyone else from the start, and if we are good, we would always be for everyone else at the beginning. Neither is present in the real world, bring up the question, what is humanity’s true goalRead MoreLord of the Flies871 Words   |  4 PagesWriting an Interpretive Composition Piggy is an important character in William Golding s Lord of The Flies. The novel follows a group of boys who crash land on a deserted island. At first, the boys believe that they will be rescued and will soon return to their normal lives. The reality of the situation, is that the world outside of the island is in war. The island becomes their new home. Using Piggy s physical features, mental state, and emotional level, Golding makes Piggy a symbol of security

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Disaster Is Different Around The World Essay Example For Students

Disaster Is Different Around The World Essay Disaster is Different AroundThe WorldThe purpose of this paper is to show the difference between the way the United States faces a disaster and the way Central America handles a disaster. In 1992 we faced the costliest hurricane to hit the United States in history. In 1998 Central America was rocked by fourth strongest hurricane ever. Though both were huge disasters our perception of a hurricane might be a little different than someone living in Latin America. As previously stated, Central America was hit by a train. And this train had a name?.Mitch. The storm was formed off the coast of Africa and gained strength in the open ocean. When Mitch came ashore on October 29th it had sustained winds of 180mph and unknown gust velocity. It crept slowly inland and dumped record amounts of rainfall in a short period of time. The countries most effected by the hurricane were ; Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize. As of December 2, 1998 the number of confirmed deaths was 5,642 with 8,050 still missing. People injured in the storm counted 12,272. Over 1,199,000 people were displaced. With more than 100,000 homes destroyed (UN Situation Report par.9). Over 2,000 people were swept away by mudslides on the Casitas volcano when in one week in October more rain fell than in the previous three years combined. Governments were overwhelmed by the need of supplies. The cost to Honduras alone was well over 4 billion dollars. With over 70% of the food crops destroyed help was needed very badly, but with communication down and 90% of roads washed away it was hard to supply villages deep inland (USAToday online #1 par. 14). When the Hurricane first came ashore there was very little anyone could do but hold on to something, anything. No place was safe. Central American countries are some of the poorest in the world and a hurricane proof shelter is hard to find. Most people grabbed what they could and headed for the hills. That idea was not always good because then there was a risk of mudslides. After the major part of the storm was over people returned to their homes to find nothing at all. The government did all they could to help but that wasnt much. Huge towns of plastic tents were constructed. Aid groups came in with food which was hard to come by. There was never enough. In some regions schools and factories were shut down to house and feed the injured. Unemployment soared to a huge 60% due to the lack of places left standing. The government started hiring people to clear roads and public areas. The pay was a whopping 10 dollars a week but that is better than not having a job at all. Analysis shows that rebuilding bridges across the damaged areas could take almost four years(USAToday#1 par.6). Deepening poverty is almost certain. Another thing which is huge problem is the health risks associated with this type of disaster. The destruction and contamination of the fresh water is one of the main things. Another is raw sewage being in the rivers and streams which can spread many diseases. The most common right now in Central America is; diarrhea, skin diseases, acute respiratory infections, conjunctivitis, and a few cases of Leptospirosis. Due to the fact that all these diseases are there makes fewer people want to help in the clean up effort(USAToday#2 par. 11). On August 24, 1992 the United States was hit by the costliest hurricane in U.S. history. Andrew was his name and like Mitch it was a very deadly storm. It had 145mph winds and gusts up to 175mph. Unlike Mitch, Andrew only killed 41 people and destroyed over 100,000 homes(Terry par.#1). Residents who lived in the hills of Central America and had no warning of the approaching hurricane while everyone in Florida and the surrounding areas knew for two days that a hurricane was headed in their direction. In the case with Andrew the Red Cross already had shelters set up and more volunteers on the way to help. Americans being a giving people sent contributions and other supplies to Floridians to help with the recovery effort(Terry par.#3). When we were faced with this deadly storm we did not have to ask the United Nations for assistance because we were equipped to handle such a disaster. Unlike Latin America which was caught off guard and totally blinded to the fact that a tragedy of this c aliber could happen to them. .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e , .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .postImageUrl , .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e , .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:hover , .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:visited , .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:active { border:0!important; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:active , .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u41b86c8e6efd391953ede8e97ed2c77e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dolls House Play EssayAs you can see from this report someone living in Miami, Florida and someone living in Tegucigalpa, Honduras might have slightly different perceptions when it comes to hurricanes. I believe that if I lived in Central America my views might change also. But since I have never been in or even seen a hurricane or a hurricanes destruction this is all kind of foreign to me. Due to my research for this paper I believe that I have a better idea about what a furious hurricane can would be like. And I hope I never have to face that problem my whole life. It is just something that I could do without. Geography