Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Most Damaging Idol of the Tribe Essay - 627 Words

Idols of the tribe do the most damage to man’s outlook of the world: man tends to make decision’s based on his emotions rather than logic, man clings to his first impressions, and man often twists facts to support those impressions. Idols of the tribe do the most damage to man’s outlook of the world because man tends to make decision’s based on his emotions rather than logic. Man tends to do things without thinking of the consequences. For example, one kill’s his or her mother because of they were angry of how they treated them as a child. That person didn’t think of the consequences before they killed their mother or father and now they are facing life in prison. Also, man tends to do things in the heat of the moment. For example, one†¦show more content†¦But they want this so bad and they don’t care what everyone else says. So they get it anyway, and later they will regret it. Another thing that damages man’s outlook on life, man clings to his first impressions. For example, when one meets somebody new their first impression is very important to them because that’s how man forms his or her opinion of someone. Also, man believes what he or she wants to believe. For example, if one hears or see’s something he or she likes then that’s what he or she will tend to believe. Also, man hangs on to his or her opinions. When man gains an opinion about someone or something it’s hard to change his or her mind about the issue. For instance, when one meet’s someone for the first time that first impression of them is very crucial because that’s what one bases his or her opinion’s about them on, so once one has gained an opinion about something it is very hard for one to change his or her mind about it. Lastly, idols of the tribe does the most damage to man’s outlook on the world by man often twist’s facts to support those impressions. Man tends t o look for evidence to support his or her conclusions. 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